How to Avoid Bloating at Christmas
Eat only when hungry - Leave some time between your snacks, your main meal and dessert. The longer you wait the better, but even 30 minutes will really help. Our bodies aren't made to digest so many different foods at once, and many of us are already dealing with gut imbalances and low stomach acid from processed diets, alcohol and stress.
Chew your food thoroughly - This is the easiest thing you can do to help your body digest your meal better. Your stomach doesn't have teeth, food should be a paste before it is swallowed.
Practice food combining - Meat requires an acidic environment to be digested properly. Starches create an alkaline environment in your stomach. Eating lots of protein with starch is very hard for your body to deal with. Food is left sitting in your stomach, which then ferments and creates gasses that cause bloating, belching and heartburn. Don't mix proteins. Avoid eating fruit or dessert with meat.
All of these foods can be eaten in the same day, just separate them a bit to give your body a chance to properly digest them.
Eat in a relaxed state - Christmas is hectic, family events can be troubling for some. If you feel stressed, focus on your breath to help you stay present. Exhale all of the air in your lungs and take a proper belly breath.
Avoid cold or sugary drinks with foods - The only thing you should be drinking with meals is room temperature or slightly cool water, small sips only. Water helps digestion but sugary and/or cold drinks can make it very hard for your body to digest food.
Don't deprive yourself, just be conscious and make as many changes as you can. Every small change helps. I know I prefer to feel great after meals instead of bloated and gassy.
Merry Christmas everyone!